Portfolio > Past Exhibitions

Improbable, Beautiful
Improbable, Beautiful
Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts, Bear Gallery
Fairbanks Arts Association

The Fairbanks Arts Association's mission is to promote excellence in contemporary and traditional arts in Alaska’s Interior. Fairbanks Arts is the oldest community arts council in the state and the official arts organization for both the Fairbanks North Star Borough and the City of Fairbanks, providing service, information, and support to local artists, organizations, and audiences. Fairbanks Arts provides programming in performing arts, literary arts, visual arts, and arts education with the assistance of advisory committees comprised of community volunteers.

This organization is invaluable to our community. I am proud to have been a member of the Board of Directors since 2017.
"I cannot resist wet rotting logs, (the more fungus the better) lichen, and broken bits of branches. I bring home handfuls of leaves, and love them even more as they dry and crinkle in my studio. I am most interested in flowering plants once their petals begin to shrivel up and turn brown, and when leaves start showing signs of nibbles and decay. This body of work recognizes the features of the northern forest that are familiar, yet potentially unsung. It is a tribute to all that is unexpectedly or improbably beautiful."

The poet Mary Oliver put words together in ways that I find difficult to forget. She placed the words “improbable” and “beautiful” together in her poem “Starlings in Winter”. I borrowed her words for this exhibition as they so perfectly describe my aesthetic.